Privacy policy

eOthello uses cookies to facilitate authentication, allowing users not to have to enter their login credentials on every visit.

It asks for your email address during registration so that it can notify you on important events, such as when it's your turn to move or when you have been challenged to a game.

It uses Google Analytics to track user errors and page visits by country and device type, to better understand how people use the site.

When you choose to sign up with Facebook, it asks Facebook for your first name and email address. Your first name is used to automatically generate a username for your account. Your email is used to notify you on important events, as described above. You can delete this data from the Preferences menu, where you can update your username and/or email address at any time.

Online players: Komasa, rafafallo, Pepecrudo, scottsitar, AcidTest, Corbymac, Timmie, MusicElle, MrShadbro, JohnsonGreg, Tadanobu, Footy, Aaaarh, peffis, kou, pangea, quest, Morlyd, lunaray, slfotg, jojoli1414, marcobosco, JohnTheBear, nebarch, Rhotto, TrumanQuixote, annefranc, Carmella, Cabalero, Stoker, cruznpetunia, IDerpTheL, fakeplayer123, cagleyleslie, norsevorg, mars-gamer, Katla_bot, Marktao1, termi2010, eJacJoy, Gilegiov, jensebr, britbko, darning, otellino, jtommer, kero2, oscar, Spaidory, OrbitalDeathRay, ViolinShaped, tetsu8, Rev_Oc_2596, soulfire8964, QueenB, TheLostNekojin, sworn7, Flycat, pchallinor, TheGrey, JenaTu, toptal, calogero, ALOKALOKAKIRBY, mixvalera.

TM & © Othello, Co. and Megahouse
Othello: a minute to learn... a lifetime to master

Privacy policy
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