Tournament - 10/2024 - Random opening
This tournament already ended. Congratulations to the winners!
Online players: 5zounds, SukatoroJAPAN, norsevorg, Juggler, ClaAll, TinaTheCyclops, Katla_bot, pepelamoco, jome, mediumspiny, fakeplayer123, OrbitalDeathRay, tombruno, Vatrushka, Greekothello , LordPaul, VeljkoC, EmamiM, mlganser3, Alassio, savagelobster, SilviC, Wiik75, haileyeyey, lunaray, Gnoki, ToiletLeader, Sitges2025, Sarina, Phiphi, Oh_Hello, Malfedina, mudri, werscoraja, THMY, DarkRyder27, britbko, Gkmn, KeineAhnung, androbo, Iseult, JohnsonGreg, Skywalker, Riccardo2, Tom546f6d, cagleyleslie, hubandspoke, lilikoko, Ooops, JohnTheBear, peffis, GrandpaColumbus, TrumanQuixote, Footy, MichaelIsrael, MrShadbro, lesterbester, Rene01, Lusan57, SquidgyWriter09, stern, Kiltlifting , AcidTest, sagba73, Sh1_5o, Tangh, Zoomy, antonio64, NamSungwoo, Hiroshi, MDGirl, kou, yOthello, Darklights, jensebr, tizzy, nebarch, Grubbs827, lastDish, Clare2, MuckeN, Plev, AllFastGames, _Adeline_, Berani1989, derhohebaum, Cicada, LucienDonell, Morlyd, Snowstorm, Lungshadow, chenlong, mtelvers, Hamnava1989, annefranc, Stoker, yblui, Pepecrudo, eJacJoy, catcat, Crooosah, Amelrus, JHamp, jf, Arturs, Carmella, AbibullaievEl, dublnr, curtdelp, Chorley , LePion, bamischijfje, otellino, eminorman, Gilled1604, Chiefidiotinchf, Babafemi, Bastet, mimosa, KupOgecca, Bogoavezzano, TheSpook, tooswift, mars-gamer, HiTy, BarnelFedtskrog, RageRunt, cruznpetunia, Aaaarh, Clarino, mbro, StupidMove, Barnzy, diodatimichele, Abelitooo95, Returnof79, Keiran , EWella, Analemonpie, rinta, Sunfl0wer1965, Bolleke.
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