Tournament - 02/2025 - Anti
This tournament is in progress. 1 of the 1290 games are still being played.
- Games in this tournament will be of type: Anti.
When the tournament starts, all tournament games for all players will immediately begin.
The number of games per player will depend on the number of tournament participants.
The tournament ends when all participating players finish all of their tournament games.
During this tournament, players will have a time limit of 36 hours per move.
For the tournament leaderboard, winning a game is worth 1 point and getting a draw is worth 0.5 points.
When two players have the same number of points, the sum of their tournament opponents' points will be used as a tiebreaker.
Players that lose a game by timeout in the 7 days before the tournament starts will not be able to participate in the tournament.
- Players that have finished less than 20 games at eOthello cannot participate in the tournament.
For the tournament to happen there need to be at least 8 participating players.
Online players: LJ, androbo, lonchu, prrom, werscoraja, Kiltlifting , Maris, FranzTheRaccoon , quest, fakeplayer123, Iseult, Gelamule, mlganser3, Casper37, Gilled1604, Stoker, Thrawn2, MDGirl, Smatth01, nebarch, Dovregubben56, Zoomy, LucienDonell, slfotg, AcidTest, dig2, Wolfy1, Svitjod, MrShadbro, Keiran , MidnightJoker, RomanoB, Komasa, tizzy, Sitges2025, pxlsicle, marcobosco, Phiphi, TheGrey, cagleyleslie, Bram, Cabalero, LycanTroppo, nmendes, eJacJoy, mars-gamer, runner, ruqhawa, attasan6, jensebr, Katla_bot, JohnsonGreg, jwuschner, Therealmlog, ashimbabbar, Amin_T7, Sonea, Solto, rafafallo, scottsitar, TheLostNekojin, jojoli1414, sworn7, SquidgyWriter09, Goplayer19, eewy4, lunaray, PokerNick, Tact99, BellicoseSnout, jtommer, corneron, tooswift, Barnzy, pchallinor, Footy, Babrak, britbko, SergioCat, MichaelIsrael, Arturs, JohnTheBear, Wiik75, pepelamoco, Clare2, mixvalera, BerserkerVS, oscar, shiaolung, dak_91, hanfman, sagba73, Moriyuki, Pepecrudo, gazzedo, Alfierenero , Alassio, termi2010, Oethello, PrPL, VAA4, Ziababa, 5zounds, Bassman, Ariyan, DrieBiertjes, NineSevenSix, mbro, Martha, pangea, Bogoavezzano, Carmella, AllFastGames, Tardis81 , JenaTu, Steve24, hubandspoke, Babafemi, Math14, Stevein7.
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